Dario Impini

Serenity, Beauty, Harmony.

In a perennially troubled world an artist has, generally speaking, two options in their creative process: reflect the chaos or wallpaper over it. I have trouble imagining my living space decorated with turbulent images of despair and misery. Doesn't enough of the outside world invade one's life despite our best intentions? Instead I offer images that inspire something more serene and calming to the soul. Visual anesthetic if you will.

Imbued in me during my formative years was an amalgam of form and function that was definitive '60s and '70s. A focus on the yin yang of feminine flowing curves and masculine angles permeated that time span. It was the era of the road-borne starship Lamborghini, the gold dot Movado watch, the Chanel perfume that encouraged you to share the fantasy on the manicured lawns of a fabulous mansion, and the sound barrier piercing icons of flight - the Concorde and SR71 Blackbird. This brew of influences inspired the following collection of photographic artworks which have been published nationally and seen in art galleries coast to coast.

Each one of these artworks is pre-visualized, crafted in dreams or visions, carefully planned, archived for the right moment, the right opportunity, the right model to come along and bring to life, executed with precision, and painstakingly "massaged" into the final artwork. What do they mean? A statement about life in some cases, a wry observation in others, and many times nothing at all. Just something that relieves anxiety, and I find that to be more than enough.

I take each of my fans and clients very seriously. Every artwork I sell makes two powerful statements:

First, that you value my work enough to take dollars out of your pocket and put them into mine. At that moment you're making a decision not to buy gas, or pay the rent or mortgage, or food, or a million other things that vie for your attention, instead valuing how meaningfully joyful my image is to you.

And secondly, there's a good chance that my work will outlast my life, possibly even yours. I'll have had a chance to make a positive mark in the world. And continue doing so long after I, the author of these works, am gone and forgotten, the way you have likely forgotten the photographers who shot Marilyn's flying dress, or the sailor kissing the woman at the end of WW2.

Both statements bring me immense gratitude, honor, and privilege. And I thank each of you deeply for that.

See more of my work here: https://darioimpini.wixsite.com/artist



The best of the best shots of my 15 years of photography.

Siren's Dawn “Siren's Dawn”

Braving a dark trek through a pre-dawn fire swamp filled with spiders, mosquitoes, snakes, sunken rocks, and a case of numb-ass, we managed to make this look incredibly serene. The time exposure smoothed out the early morning waves into a polished sheen.

Area 71: Triumph “Area 71: Triumph”

Do you think it's easy to get access to one of these planes? The venerable SR71 Blackbird, all the surviving ones being safely guarded in museums? Not so much. But if you recognize and love this plane as I do, you'll want this shot hanging on your wall. It is my homage, a form of nose art for a plane whose time came after that illustrative era but has sex appeal brimming over and in need of temperance at the hands of a beautiful leading lady.

The Blackbird's unique "poison dart" appearance helped make it fast enough to outrun enemy missiles, flying at over three times the speed of sound some 15 miles in the sky. The titanium used to build this plane and help it sustain the outrageous pressures and heat during operation was surreptitiously purchased from Russia, the country it was largely used to spy on.

Pegasus “Pegasus”

I learned over the years that horses are skittish animals. Being also large they can be a danger to life, property, and themselves when spooked. And spooking takes as little as scurrying around in the dark, or flashes of light from your lighting equipment. So how then do you photograph a woman jumping a horse in the dark?

Great photography is often the art of applying innovative solutions to the challenges of bringing the vision to fruition. And I'll leave it at that.

The Bullfight “The Bullfight”

This is an actual solar eclipse (annular, not total). Solar eclipses are not super rare, they occur fairly regularly about once a year or so. Solar eclipses that appear near ground level in a place that is not hard to reach or patently inhospitable, VERY RARE. This was essentially a once or twice in a life time event. So I made plans to shoot it my way, anticipating this event for 4 years to have about 4 minutes of shooting time. The adversities encountered along the way were absurd, including having 7 models I lined up for this all quit the day before. The woman in this shot was a stranger also in town to shoot the eclipse who graciously agreed to model for me to whom I remain ever grateful.

A video of this event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcPLBpBLTtg

Oyster Bed “Oyster Bed”

A 2 mile hike into a barren wilderness to the cracked egg field of Bisti, an unusual, isolated landscape of tortured erosion. Navigating back to a lonely car in the middle of nowhere on a moonless night, dead reckoning after our GPS phone guidance died was a little exhilarating.

This is the Rangefinder Magazine Fine Art Portrait of the year 2018.