Jane Appleby

Jane Appleby

Location: Canada

Canadian contemporary artist painting landscape lyrical expressions on location and into abstraction, using vibrant colour and lively brushwork, collected internationally. Please visit www.janeappleby.com


Lyrical Expressions

Expressive oil paintings that express the movements I feel in the landscape, enlivening the spirit within us.

Nature Rejoices “Nature Rejoices”

This 36 x 36 oil on canvas expresses colourful movements as in a song of praise that nature presents to us through its existence.

Whispering Wind “Whispering Wind”

A whispering wind can come from nature, our minds, or dreams and though mysterious and unexpected at times can bring with it messages of hope. This is a 24 x 30 Oil on Deep Canvas with movements of color that mingle with meaning. This painting is sold.

Invitation “Invitation”

The landscape invites us to move with it to appreciate its grand presence and contemplate its inspirations. This 20 x 20 oil on canvas has lively movements of varying textures to enjoy.

Realizing Dreams “Realizing Dreams”

Brushstroke by Brushstroke we may discover dreams and realize the good in seeking them. This lyrical expression is a 20 x 20 oil on canvas with a delightful presence.

From Stillness “From Stillness”

Solitude, Stillness, Silence, Prayer...are the seeds that birth a garden of motion, emotion and vibrant life. This expression of happy emotions coming from a time of calm are expressed in this 16 x 20 Oil on Canvas

Hopeful Movements “Hopeful Movements”

The vibrant warm gestures that flowed into this painting were like seeds of hope in a garden blooming with a desire for fruitful expression. May this 20 x 20 oil on canvas bring a bright outlook to your day.