Watercolor Portraits by sandrine Pelissier

My portraits are a way for me to tell stories about the people around me. That's why I feel the need to know the people I am painting, or to paint the people I know.

These stories can be about childhood fantasy or fairy tales (I wish it would snow Flowers, Hair Balloon, Georgia, the Spanish dress and the Eclectus Parrot) or leave more space for interpretation like the portraits with themes of introspection (Mixed, In the studio).

Those portraits are not about likeness or knowing the people that are being painted, as I see my models as actors in a movie, they are the faces that will allow me to tell a story or to shaw emotions. Those faces are a source of endless fascination and I find the subtlety that can be achieved with watercolor well suited to the complexity of the human face.

My technique involves the accumulation of many transparent layers of watercolor. Then I like to incorporate mixed media in the background, work sometimes with some contouring. I also sometimes like to add some drawing on top of the painting.

Since 2002 I am an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and obtained the Associate Membership status in 2010. I am also a signature member of the Northwest Watercolor Society and San Diego Watercolor Society since 2010. I had paintings exhibited in numerous juried exhibitions in Canada and in the United States, I had a feature article in the August 2009 issue of Watercolor Artist magazine, have been published in a few books including the next book of the Splash series Splash 11 New directions: the Best of Watercolor available in June 2010, Splash 12 , and the book, Best of Watermedia Worldwide (Kennedy publishing).

Portfolio Entries