C-19 Response by Rosie Burns Artist

C-19 Health over Wealth:- images form my response to the corona virus pandemic and the British government’s response to the global pandemic. It forms a visual representation of the effect of the virus on the population of England from March 2020.
A whole new vocabulary was adopted - lockdown, self-isolate, 2m rule – social distancing. This global crisis is by no means over, in July 2020, many people are still unable to return to work, cities, states and some countries are still under strict lockdown measures in an attempt to control the spread of the virus - and avoid peaks in cases that hospitals and health providers cannot deal with.
I hope this virus will be bought under control soon – the likelihood of a herd immunity is looking unlikely with as few as 5%, of people who have been exposed to the virus, developing effective long lasting antibodies. Human knowledge of how viruses operate, to develop an effecting antidote or vaccine, seems a long way off - from current medical understanding.
Ultimately, I believe, this is a environmental catastrophe fuelled crisis – cross contamination of virus from the animal kingdom coupled with an overwhelming global human population of almost 8 billion – something had to give. Human beings need to reassess their numbers: birth rates are massive and our physical resources are struggling to keep up.
By March 25th – it was almost impossible to buy a pack of toilet paper – people panicked and emptied supermarkets. Humour is essential in these peculiar times. Indivdual images are available within this gallery: https://www.rosieburnsartist.com/gallery_763999.html

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