Location: France
Hubert Cance was born in 1962
to a family of artists.
After some varied studies of art and history,
he start to work as free-lance pattern maker for various scale modeling firms
around the world,
from France and then Ireland.
Following his return to France,
he start progressively fall back in writing article and artwork,
activity which now take his full time.
Agora Gallery
"Pathway to Perception"
Sept.4-Sept.25, 2007.
Camaver Kunsthaus
"Leone Verde 2008"
Cesi Palace
Acquasparta, Italy
May.23-June24, 2008
Camaver Kunsthaus
Varenna, Italy
Aug.20-Sept.02, 2008 (Artist of the day: Aug.22)
Camaver Kunsthaus
"Water Born Soul"
Villa Monastero
Varenna, Lecco, Italy
May.23-June.12, 2011
Camaver Kunsthaus
Il Giardino del Conte Rosso
c/o Acli
Via Conte Rosso, 5
Milano, Italy
June.24-July.08, 2011
Camaver Kunsthaus
"Dall' Acqua Nasce L'anima"
Villa Tittoni Traversi
Desio, Milan, Italy
September.10-September.25, 2011
X-Power Gallery
Taipei, Taiwan
March.7-March.31, 2009
"Revolution Art Fair"
Taipei, Taiwan
July.17-July.21, 2009
Diploma of Excellence
(Honorable Award)
Online Global Art Annual 2007.
"2 Art Now"
(for "White Tiger")
"Leonardo de Vinci Award 2009"
"Martin Luther King Award 2009"
(Human Rights Special Award)
"For promoting with their work, to the raising of the highest life ideal at international level"
"David di Michelangelo Award 2010"
"For the message contained in your works, unequalled and incomparable, that is the fruit of
your exclusive intellectual, conceptual and professional commitment"
"Salvo d'Aquisto 2010"
(Human Rights Special Award)
"For the powerwith which, yourself, across your works, are expressing on the widest way your idea of freedom"
"Vincent van Gogh 2011"
"In the name of the high merit for the high professional results obtain, as the beauty of things only exist in the spirit of the one who create them"
"Generale "Giuseppe Garibaldi" 2011"
(Human Rights Special Award)
"In the name of historical link founded on the ethic and moral values of the exercise of the rights via peace and freedom"
"Mick Bell Author's Prize 2009"
Mouse House (Books)
APMA (Magazine)
De Krieger (Books)
La Lorgnette (Magazine)
SEPEG ("VeMil", "Histoire Vraies de l'Aviation" + "Carnets de Vol" magazines)
Aero-editions ("Aero Journal" magazine)
Air Fan (magazine)
Air-Expert (Books + "Info Pilotes" magazine)
ALP-Marshall Cavendish (Encyclopediaes)
ARDHAN (Books)
Atlas Publishing (Encyclopediaes)
Avia-editions ("AFM" magazine)
Big-Block.com (Aviation Post Cards)
Caraktere (Books + "Batailles & Blindes" +"Ligne de Front" + "TNT" + "Aero-Journal" magazines)
DTU ("Replic" Magazine)
Editions du Barbotin (Books + "Minitracks" magazine)
Edybis (Encyclopediaes)
Hachette Publishing (Books & encyclopediaes)
Heimdal ("Histoire & Maquettisme" magazine)
Histoire & Collections ("Raids", "Steelmasters" & "Steelmasters HS" magazines)
Historia (Magazine)
J2P Editions ("Bateau Modèle" magazine)
Marines Editions ("Marine Magazine")
MVM ("Maquettes Volantes Magazine")
Petit-a-petit (Books)
T2M ("Tamiya Model Magazine")
Hong Kong:
Concord Publications Co. (Books + "Assault" magazine)
Dragon Models Ltd (Scale Model Kits Box Art)
Model Art (Books)
"In Hoc Signo" (Magazine)
United Kingdom:
"Aeroplane" (Magazine)
"AFV Modeller" (Magazine)
Alan W. Hall Publishing ("Aviation News" magazine)
HPC Publishing ("Air Pictorial" + "Aviation News" magazines)
"In Scale" (Magazine)
Mushroom (Books)
SAMi Publishing ("Scale Aviation Modeller" + "Scale Models" magazines)
"Tamiya Model Magazine"
"Tankette" (Magazine)
"Aeroplans" (Magazine)
"Air Wars" (Magazine)
"Armored Car" (Magazine)
"Flight Journal" (Magazine)
Kalmbach Publishing ("Fine Scale Modeler" magazine)
Merriam Press (Books)
SAFCH ("Small Air forces Observer" magazine)
"Skyways" (Magazine)
C&R Editorial ("ASAS" magazine)
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
“Glyphins Diptych: Zulu Cheetah”
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
“Glyphins Shadows: Zulu Cheetah”
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
“Glyphins Diptych: Maori Dolphin”
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
“Glyphins Shadows: Maori Dolphin”
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
“Glyphins Diptych: Arabian Cheetah”
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
“Glyphins Shadows: Arabian Cheetah”
Series based on silhouettes using ethnic pattern to open windows on another world. The "Shadow" pictures are the reverse pattern seen from this other world. Series dedicated to my friend and muse Jade Deirdre Decker.
This series is dedicated to all the megalith stones of world mythologies
A series of nocturnal snowy landscapes on black background
Series of landscapes showing sky in Winter time.
Series of landscapes showing sky in Winter time.
Series of landscapes showing sky in Winter time.
Series showing pictures haunting my minds, coming from my past, history or our legendary world
Series showing pictures haunting my minds, coming from my past, history or our legendary world
"Tyger 1794"
Acrylics on black cardboard.
Tribute to William Blake.
THE TYGER (from Songs Of Experience)
By William Blake
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?
And what shoulder, & what art.
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
“Red Sun: Buzzard at Merle's Towers”
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
“Red Sun: Crows at Apchon Castle”
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
“Red Sun: Heron at Val Castle”
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
“Red Sun: Snow on St.Etienne Castle”
A series of winter landscapes of occidental subjects using Asian inspiration and style
A series dedicated to the sky colors
“Lights: Moonlight on Merle's Towers”
A series dedicated to the sky colors
“Lights: Flight of the Owl at Tournemire”
A series dedicated to the sky colors
“Light: Evening on Jordanne Valley”
A series dedicated to the sky colors
The concept of this series came to me when I was painting a series of "Tiger Eyes" for an exhibition in China. Being very concerned by the sad but possible extinction of any free tigers before the end of my own life, I thought to some way to preserve the spirit of this animal, and the way it mark histories and legends. This series of pictures will show the marks leave by this spirit on many various supports from ground to sky, from walls to mechanics, and from water to fire...The end of the series, that would be far away, would show the resurrection of the Tiger Spirit.
The concept of this series came to me when I was painting a series of "Tiger Eyes" for an exhibition in China. Being very concerned by the sad but possible extinction of any free tigers before the end of my own life, I thought to some way to preserve the spirit of this animal, and the way it mark histories and legends. This series of pictures will show the marks leave by this spirit on many various supports from ground to sky, from walls to mechanics, and from water to fire...The end of the series, that would be far away, would show the resurrection of the Tiger Spirit.
The concept of this series came to me when I was painting a series of "Tiger Eyes" for an exhibition in China. Being very concerned by the sad but possible extinction of any free tigers before the end of my own life, I thought to some way to preserve the spirit of this animal, and the way it mark histories and legends. This series of pictures will show the marks leave by this spirit on many various supports from ground to sky, from walls to mechanics, and from water to fire...The end of the series, that would be far away, would show the resurrection of the Tiger Spirit.
The concept of this series came to me when I was painting a series of "Tiger Eyes" for an exhibition in China. Being very concerned by the sad but possible extinction of any free tigers before the end of my own life, I thought to some way to preserve the spirit of this animal, and the way it mark histories and legends. This series of pictures will show the marks leave by this spirit on many various supports from ground to sky, from walls to mechanics, and from water to fire...The end of the series, that would be far away, would show the resurrection of the Tiger Spirit.
The concept of this series came to me when I was painting a series of "Tiger Eyes" for an exhibition in China. Being very concerned by the sad but possible extinction of any free tigers before the end of my own life, I thought to some way to preserve the spirit of this animal, and the way it mark histories and legends. This series of pictures will show the marks leave by this spirit on many various supports from ground to sky, from walls to mechanics, and from water to fire...The end of the series, that would be far away, would show the resurrection of the Tiger Spirit.
Discovered by Raquel Lopez during the Pthfinder challenge
The concept of this series came to me when I was painting a series of "Tiger Eyes" for an exhibition in China. Being very concerned by the sad but possible extinction of any free tigers before the end of my own life, I thought to some way to preserve the spirit of this animal, and the way it mark histories and legends. This series of pictures will show the marks leave by this spirit on many various supports from ground to sky, from walls to mechanics, and from water to fire...The end of the series, that would be far away, would show the resurrection of the Tiger Spirit.
"Endless" is a series (and a batch of series) based on the use of classical Gaelic and Scandinavian endless knots to depict various subjects.
"Endless" is a series (and a batch of series) based on the use of classical Gaelic and Scandinavian endless knots to depict various subjects.
"Endless" is a series (and a batch of series) based on the use of classical Gaelic and Scandinavian endless knots to depict various subjects.
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Grey Heron”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Atlantic Puffin”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Bearded Vulture”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Buff Necked Ibis”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Eider”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Great Blue Heron”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Great Crested Grebe”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Great Spotted Woodpecker”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Northern Gannet”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
“Of Feathers and Beaks: Toco Toucan”
Series based on a minimalist approach of birds' heads
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Pearls: White Pearl”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Pearls: Blue Pearl”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Pearls: Pink Pearl”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Pearls: Black Pearl”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Mythic Creatures: Sea Dragon”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Mythic Creatures: Sea Unicorn”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Mythic Creatures: Dolphin”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
“Felementale Mythic Creatures: Wyvern”
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This series is representing the essential spirits of the world as female characters
This strange feeling when you wake up in the darkness, thinking that there is someone else in the room. Someone or something that is watching you, but that you can't see... Then you're panicking and search the light switch, but you can't find it... and when you are overstressed, you are waking up a second time, but... for real, you find the switch, and you are in your bed in a quiet room...
This strange feeling when you wake up in the darkness, thinking that there is someone else in the room. Someone or something that is watching you, but that you can't see... Then you're panicking and search the light switch, but you can't find it... and when you are overstressed, you are waking up a second time, but... for real, you find the switch, and you are in your bed in a quiet room...
This strange feeling when you wake up in the darkness, thinking that there is someone else in the room. Someone or something that is watching you, but that you can't see... Then you're panicking and search the light switch, but you can't find it... and when you are overstressed, you are waking up a second time, but... for real, you find the switch, and you are in your bed in a quiet room...
This strange feeling when you wake up in the darkness, thinking that there is someone else in the room. Someone or something that is watching you, but that you can't see... Then you're panicking and search the light switch, but you can't find it... and when you are overstressed, you are waking up a second time, but... for real, you find the switch, and you are in your bed in a quiet room...
This strange feeling when you wake up in the darkness, thinking that there is someone else in the room. Someone or something that is watching you, but that you can't see... Then you're panicking and search the light switch, but you can't find it... and when you are overstressed, you are waking up a second time, but... for real, you find the switch, and you are in your bed in a quiet room...
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
“Dra'Runs: Calligraphy: Matrix”
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
“Dra'Runs: Calligraphy: HAGAL”
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".
"Hundreds of years ago, a shaman had a dream: dragons were flying and dancing in the skies. They were repeating figures regularly. Waking up, he transcript the figures with marks and give them the name of the sounds, creating the Runic language".