Amalie Iy Talania Zolfugl

Amalie iy talania zolfugl

Location: Norway

Amalie iy talania zolfugl
Borned 7 th november 1969 in Oslo

She went to Glasgow school of art and edinburgh college of art in the early 90 s
Followed by studding antrophosophie by the steiner teachier college in oslo then perma culture studdy at Jevn aker
Fine art in photography in oslo 2003-2005
Alchymist hypnoterapi therapist 2012-2013
Beside other controversial psycholog courses , with focus on trauma.
From 2011 when her husband deceived she has raised their two children all by herself.
.she has all through her life worked independant and alone .


concylie under purpure

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oil on canvas

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acrylic on canvas

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oil on canvas

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oil on canvas

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