




When we try to imagine a picture that we are happy, usually, always whatever the landscape is, always in the imagination, the blue sky is the bright sun.
The sun as a symbol of unconditional happiness, when everything is fine
And if at the moment everything is not going smoothly, what if you can switch to that reality where everything is fine?
Where every ray of the sun penetrates the heart of everyone and warms with warmth.
Everyone has their own ideas and their own picture. I wonder if the sun shines there??

Gelios “Gelios ”

When we try to imagine a picture that we are happy, usually, always whatever the landscape is, always in the imagination, the blue sky is the bright sun.
The sun as a symbol of unconditional happiness, when everything is fine
And if at the moment everything is not going smoothly, what if you can switch to that reality where everything is fine?
Where every ray of the sun penetrates the heart of everyone and warms with warmth.
Everyone has their own ideas and their own picture. I wonder if the sun shines there??


Our heart are opening like a flower of lotos. Clear and bright.

Lotos “Lotos ”

Lotos the symbol of open the heart
You can imagine and feel the whole rising love of Earth so gentle
Simultaneously feel love and support from above and soft light