BancaRotta | BankRupt (ComPUSter n.05) by Marco Guglielmi

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The fifth is "Bancarotta". The greedy mouth restlessy ingurgitating and regurgitating  is the image of the worldwide network of banks, swallowing the energy of millions of people and revomiting it as virtual money which really do not exist, except as a database numbers. The blades and the meat dramatically reflect the savagery that underlies a seemingly protective system (isn’t a global network the best guarantee of security and transparency in order to protect the interests of the individual?), but in truth a violent regime based not on job, but on blood.

Esposizioni | Exhibitions:
Mostra Personale @ BeDifferent Art Show
18 – 23 November, Chiesa dell’Abbazia della Misericordia, Venice (Italy)

Pubblicazioni | Press:
Catalogo monografico “Marco Guglielmi 2017” ed. 11HellHeaven Contemporary. Curatrice: Dr. Stefania Minutaglio.

Catalogo “BeDifferent Art Show 2017 – Edizione Zero: A new kind of Beauty” ed. 11HellHeaven Contemporary. Curatrice: Dr. Stefania Minutaglio.

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