Picking Up the Pieces by Kimberlee Rocca

A dynamic collection of wall sculptures born from my love of puzzles, geology, scrap materials and bold colors
Crafted in wood, slathered in mixed media, arranged and rearranged to my hearts content

This evolution in my work is the culmination of years falling in love with every substrate and media I discover
Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Gilded Pear Gallery is excited to present "Picking Up the Pieces", a solo exhibition of new sculptures and paintings by local artist, Kimberlee Rocca.
Kimberlee Rocca is an artist and designer currently residing in Solon, Iowa. She studied Design, Printmaking and Fiber Arts at the University of Iowa before earning her BFA in Metal Smithing in 1991. During her studies, Rocca was introduced to Foil Imaging, a unique process which combines traditional printmaking techniques with commercial foil printing processes. She has spent over 30 years exploring this innovative medium on paper, metal and now, in this exhibit, with salvaged construction materials. In addition to her studio work she is locally recognized for her custom home designs in the Iowa City area and unique architectural features, sculptural elements and mosaic installations. Rocca's two-dimensional works and sculptural installations are included in collections at the University of Iowa Museum and Hospital Permanent art Collections.

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