Painting in Glass by Mireille Swinnen

I sculpt, I dream, I arrange, I build,
I sort, cut, glue, visualize
I interpret, I paint
Maybe I am a painter or a sculptor, but I chose smalti over paint to be my medium of expression.
I create colourful scenes, little stories that can be captured at the blink of an eye. They evoke a feeling, an emotion, a moment of standing still in time. An atmosphere of coziness, joy, pleasant surprise, knowing, understanding. I want the viewer to feel connected to the subject, to sympathize, to ponder, to smile.
Stepping up close and stepping back the image shifts between a jumble of shapes and colors to a realistic image, which almost moves. Close up, the material demands all the attention. It is hard not to contemplate its texture, irregularity, roughness, shininess, opacity. From far, only the flutter remains.
I am attracted to the beauty of the matter itself, the preciousness of it, the generations of skills that were needed to create this raw material which is smalti. Like no other it allows me to transl(iter)ate my thoughts and emotions. Like no other it empowers me to grab the viewer’s attention and to convey –be it simple- emotions.

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