The Dragon Series by Leonard Filgate

Leonard just started this new series in 2012. Inspired by his love of fantasy, music, poker, and all things whimsical. Leonard wanted to create something for "older kids" that would be a bit edgier than Rip Squeak, yet maintain that same spirit of fun and whimsy. His dragons are not your typical comic book/science-fiction dragons—they are playful and have almost human-like qualities that make us smile—always a goal in the art he creates.

Some of the dragons depict musicians, inspired both by the music Leonard listens to while painting (a lot of Miles Davis) and numerous musician friends. It turns out that Fresno, California (where Leonard lives) has a thriving and vibrant jazz community. Nearly every night of the week there is a venue in Fresno to go and listen to live jazz. The city even has added an evening once a month called Jazz Hop that coincides with Art Hop—that first Thursday you can find jazz everywhere.

Portfolio Entries