Fashion and Travel Photography by David Perea

This is a single exposure photographic journey that explores the concept of surrealism through urban reflections. The abstraction of Maidens of the World explores concepts of philosophy through fine art photography.

This project wants to tap the creative powers of awareness and imagination by uniting illusion with reality. This venture tries to challenge the distinction between consciousness and physical matter, between mind and body.


New York , San Francisco, Arequipa, London, Melbourne, Bali, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Barcelona, Berlin, Rotterdam, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Vancouver…

These photographs are the artist’s perception of the philosophical aspect of illusion or Maya. Māyā, a sanskrit word, has several interpretations and may be understood as the phenomenal universe of perceived duality. Even though Maya is a controversial concept, the project’s approach is to discern duality through abstract reality.

These Maidens are trying to breath in an illusory multidimensional atmosphere, symbolism of the natural duality of the material existence. The material universe is made of matter and energy. In this context the reflections of the urban environment represent the spiritual world and the mannequins symbolize the material world. The impressions of Maidens of the world aim to explore the notion of duality as a representation of the physical body and the fine spiritual soul.

Portfolio Entries