"Dietmar PICKERING" collection "Blue723" by Dietmar Pickering

Inspired by the world

Lovers of abstract art repeatedly ask the following question:
„What really moves an artist, to paint the way he does?“

At some point during my 35 years of artistic activity and constant driven creative impulses,
an inexplicable energy arose in me to express a very unique and personal style of art.

„From the divine inspiration!“
From my deepest emotional depths coupled with divine inspiration a new series of paintings titled Blue723 arose.
The pictures speak for themselves and therefore carry no name but numbers.

The series of pictures Blue723 begin with the number „7“.
7 is the number of perfection, it is a natural, and odd positive number.
In the Middle Ages, the seven stood in the Christian symbolism of numbers for the grace of peace and tranquility,
composing of the number three (Trinity) and four (World, Four Elements, Four Directions).
The colors of the images have been inspired by the four elements.
The images emerged during a period which ran from 2010 to 2012.

Two images of Thirty, from the collection, Blue723
INFO: in Deusch

Inspiriert von allem dieser Welt, im ständig getriebenen Schaffensdranges,
entstand aus den tiefsten seelischen Abgründen die Bilderserie mit dem Titel „Blue723“.
Die großformatigen Bilder, beginnen mit der Anfangszahl "7".
Die 7, die Zahl der Vollkommenheit, die sich aus der Zahl Drei (Dreifaltigkeit) und der Vier (Vier Elemente) zusammensetzt.
Die Farben der Bilder worden von den vier Elementen inspiriert.


E-Mail: office@pickering.at
A-4030 Linz Heliosallee 130/47
Tel.:+43 (0) 676 586 24 25

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