Bernadetta Tajs by Bernadetta Tajs

I began training in the field of art at Konstgymnasiet, and concluded my studies in 2012 with a degree in sculpting from Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland. Sculpting and painting are two forms of art that have always fascinated me, and they are some of my biggest interests. The starting-point for my paintings is almost always derived from my own fantasy. I create my own reality, my own 'inner world', so to speak. This is a world where one can truly find themselves. No one need hide here, and instead, you are met with a sense of freedom and understanding. I like to think that my paintings reflect life itself, a life full of jokes and satire, kitsch and kink, stories and benevolence. Life is far from dull- it is not black and white. On the contrary, it is splashed with a whole spectrum of colours, sometimes grey, sometimes pink. Why not show these colours? Why not show that which we love to do? Why should we feel ashamed of our own nature and the truth?
The ideas for my paintings always stem from my own fantasy and personal interests. I try to refrain from being too literal and precise with my artwork; instead of spelling out the message, I want the viewers to create their own interpretation and figure it out for themselves. I am imaginative and have a knack for fantasising, which is something I use to my advantage. I will paint almost anything, and if people don't like it, it's really all the better. One of the things I strive for through my art is evoking a strong sense of emotion and opinion from the viewer. I want my art to be received with polarity. I want to provoke the viewer to feel something, whether it be good or bad. In other words, being able to create conflicting views about my art is what drives me.
I am a person who tries hard not to get hung up on the negative aspects of life- there is plenty of that to be found in our day-to-day lives. I feel it is crucial to break free from the restraints and norms of the everyday world and instead, view the world from a different perspective with a fresh pair of eyes. While a strawberry may suggest consumption and pleasure for one person, it may mean something completely different to another. The world is not black and white; we all have our own opinions, and art should be open to all forms of interpretation and views. In my paintings, I frequently use fantastic elements as a form of symbolism. In one for example, two wolves symbolise two homosexual men, whilst the apple is a symbol of sin. The wolf draws the viewer in, inviting them over to the sex on the grass. In addition, I often allude to the "Dionysian element" in my paintings. Personally, I believe that we are all too puritanical, and so my response to this is by emphasising the true, animalistic side of human nature.

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