Lyrical transformations. by Valentina

Valentina Yevmenenko's pictures meditative, lyrical, enchanting and philosophical. Vibrations of space in a cloth of the artist demonstrate infinity of formalization and transformation of a subject secret, metaphysics and its structural thinking about space which presents to an opportunity on the edge of unreality.
Continuous transformation of the subject line consciously bypasses the culmination. He confirms that there is no conflict between various metaphors and paradoxes and also gives us a smooth stream of vision of canvases. Sometimes it disturbs color scale of the figurative ideas and does musical monads. And they show the association with thinking and will of the artist
The picturesque manner of the artist surprises and admires him with colourful achievements which are inherent only in the real creator who never stops the creative improvisational experiments.
Improvisations and spirit of experiments are the best characteristics of a collection of works of Valentina Yevmenenko.
B. Magersky, art critic

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