Motke Blum by Motke Blum

Motke Blum – Artist's Statement

"To give the white colors perspective, the internal reserves must emerge from their anonymity. The white has a royal simplicity and is the absolute color of nature—the fusion of all colors through the prism. In order to provide the white mass and texture I must search within myself constant renewal, which will brighten the white colour and give it light. Such renewal rises from the depth of my outset experiences and soul, which have been covered by a long time layer of gray dust.
My ancient sights of the soul were brought out to the shining light and were shaped into the white texture, muted hues in pencil, which give the white airiness and structure.
It's a never ending experience in color and shape – there are always new techniques to be found, new shades I have not experienced yet, new shapes portrayed in my mind. Sometimes I should distance myself in order to find the perspective – to break my own boundaries into distant worlds, in order to find inspiration. I attempt to break out, to re-examine the Black and White concept and create a comprehensive color spectrum from within the shape and content."

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