Paintings - current work by Sandra Altwerger

My art is a continually evolving exploration of paint and application. By focusing on the sensuousness of paint itself, I am able to tell a story about whatever is going on. I don’t consciously turn off the cerebral part of my brain when I am starting to paint, but at the same time I don’t worry if it is making sense or hanging together. That is the elusive and complex process of painting. By making art I can use an intelligence that lies underneath words but can rely on itself. I can’t limit the influences that come into my work as my painting is informed by everything around me. Somehow the viewer will get a sense of whatever is going on and use their own logic to put together a story and interpret what I do. The communication is buried in the surface. Finishing a painting involves believing in the forms enough so that they begin to have the same presence that objects and people have in life.

Portfolio Entries