Transplanted by Alexandra Rozenman

current series of paintings, originally titled "Transplanted," focuses on humorous narratives of cohabiting, moving with, running to, waiting for... with famous artists across history. She begins her paintings by researching scenes of everyday life during a particular artists era, then metaphorically meets and blends it with her own experiences and vistas. By inserting herself into the paintings, Rozenman points out the irony of living with another artists’ work for inspiration. Most recently, Rozenman has allowed her scenes to become metaphorical by removing the figure of the artist entirely from the painting. There is an intriguing game between inside and outside. Examples include furniture appearing in the forests, a theater stage falling into an ocean, and large old ships shrinking down only to end up burning in a cozy indoor fireplace. What the artist calls "these places-at-odds" can be viewed as a metaphor for immigration, and a cathartic journey of reinventing a new personal and artistic identity

Portfolio Entries