"Azerbaijan carpet" series of works by Iryna Benderovska

I have always been attracted to the national traditions of the East, and now I am so excited to express my love for authentic art. There is a lot of spirituality and deep significance here.

I have done a series of paintings based on the ornament of Azerbaijani carpet. They reproduce original elements of the cultural and national heritage of Azerbaijan – the carpet. The study of the history of carpet and regional differences of its ornament led me to the modern interpretation of the ornament elements in the painting. To be honest, Baku, the Carpet Museum, and the Old Town left the most vivid imprint on these works. The symbiosis of national heritage and the progressiveness of this state is the idea I envisioned in the works of this series.
All the details are painted manually. The perspective appears to be illustrational at first glimpse, but it preserves a volume with form and meaning. Deliberately bright colors symbolize the spirit of the Southern people, open and bold character.
The concept of the project is to combine the DNA of the Azerbaijani carpet with modern art while preserving the cultural and historical ideology.

Portfolio Entries