TAMGA by Davletkhan

For more easily understanding of this art please connect images with main ideas of Plato’s Forms
Characteristics of Forms
A general metaphysical and epistemological theory. Central to all of Plato’s thought, but nowhere systematically argued for. A theory of postulated abstract objects, deriving from the Socratic “What is X?” question, which presupposes that there is a single correct answer to the “What is X?” question.
1. The correct answer is not a matter of convention, of what we all (or most of us) think.
2. What makes such an answer correct: it is an accurate description of an independent entity, a Form.
3. Forms are thus mind-independent entities: their existence and nature is independent of our beliefs and judgments about them.
The Phaedo contains an extended description of the characteristics and functions of the forms:
 Unchangeable
 Eternal
 Intelligible, not perceptible
 Divine
 Incorporeal (passim)
 Causes of being (“The one over the many”)
 Are unqualifiedly what their instances are only with qualification
Other dialogues fill out the picture: non-temporal; non-spatial; they do not become, they simply are.
Phaedo provides a good summary, listing all the attributes of Forms that souls also have: “divine, deathless, intelligible, uniform, indissoluble, always the same as itself.”

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