Old Fauve by Patrick Bubna-Litic

Artist's Statement:

What am I?
Self-taught visual artist (painter)

What am I doing?

Abstract expressionism. Other things as well: nudes, landscapes, people.
Large and small formats.
Acrylic. Dries quickly. Meets my impatience. Finish with oil.
Drawings. Watercolors.
Rather work in the studio than outdoors.

What do I want to achieve?

I want to make an impact. Like rock and roll. Right into the energy center. Mine and that of the viewer. High and low! Stirring. Depressing. Joyful. Sexy. Sweaty. Sad. Funny. Happy.
I love structure and chaos - security in the process, surprise in the result. Give chance a chance.
Say “yes!" to beauty. Color and composition must be right. Harmony and tension. Both instead of either or. But not always.
Stealing from others is OK; but not to copy them.

Why is that important?

Success = impact = feedback (like a smile or a flash in the onlooker’s eye)
Success = purchase decision in my favor
Success = always good for the ego
Success = attention = motivation = new strength, energy
Success = resources for new projects
Success = the ability to pay your own bills = independence
Success = increasing the price of my art means increasing the value for my collectors
Success = increasing the of sales of my art means increasing the value for my collectors

My themes:
Complexity, music, joie-de-vivre, beauty, good taste

My role-models:
Joan Mitchell, Martha Jungwirth, Andrea Rozorea, Georg Brandner, Hemann Nitsch, Andre Derain, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Emil Nolde, Gerhard Zimmer

Portfolio Entries