LightGraphic by HoryMa (Igor&Irina)

The photos is executed in technique «LightGraphic» or «The painting of light», that assumes illumination of model by small light sources in darkness on long exposure.
Thus, all lightcloth (composition) - is one Photo Exposition, is embodied on a matrix of the camera in one click of a shutter.

We don't aspire to transfer reality of an image though it too is possible.
It is interesting to us to create characters with character, mood, emotion.
In LightGraphic light-color is possible to apply to coloring of the necessary planes, creating an image-mood. And also we painting by light on a body model patterns.

Sometimes photos, executed in such a way, we use as sketches for creation of subject compositions in the graphic editor.
The graphic editor we use as virtual a canvas, brushes and paints. Plug-ins and filters are not used.

Portfolio Entries