Paintings by Marcela Jardón Art Studio

(Unconscious maps)

point of view> line of sight> landscape
Extensions (terrain) seen from a place determined by an observer also determined.
Aerial Landscapes is a series of images that evoke landscapes and places that are unknown but familiar. Landscapes that I fly over when I sleep. Landscapes that only exist in that dimension outside of time.
Starting from the limits of the landscape and the references to topographical representations, the work encourages the spectator to personalize these places through a fundamental instinct of recognizing and belonging.
They have an absence of realistic description, but they generate the sensation of being before something that is remotely recognized. I think it's because they connect us in a generic dimension. (common to the genre).

While I look at a piece of wall or another, in one or another street, I think about how behind one layer of paint there is another, and another, and another ...

The historical referents, the eternal referents, the known parameters, cracked, and are "peeling", letting glimpse what is behind.
At first, I felt a bit of vertigo. Although I thought I was facing another opportunity to change the point of view. Mutate the perception.
Accept the emptiness left by the torn, collapsed, inoperative, useless or obsolete structures.
And only then, is there room to intuit the new.

Portfolio Entries