ENTANGLEMENTS by Alessandra Sequeira

As the new physics in the Universe determined, two particles entangle if they are close together, then their properties become linked. Since Einstein revealed the reality of Quantum Entanglement beyond time and space, Universal entanglement is not just a Utopia. Art marketing turned the art institution in Dystopia, but in its deeper sense, Art has always been the Blue Print for and ideal human environment Utopia. For this reason, my drawings embroider life’s utopic sheet of paper intertwining my lines of intention. Sometimes we are ink, sometimes we are fractal beings, but always entangled. These are my lines of empathy that I propose within my art pieces. Let us draw and sew our roots to compassion and empathy, we are all the same, although our molecules are formed differently, and life is a long soft experience of Nature, as in my artwork, Stratford paper is the holder of this unanimous encounter, more than a Utopia, a declaration signed with lines of intention.

Portfolio Entries