"Simbiosismo" by Chicote CFC

"Simbiosismo" is a way of making and of understanding the art.

Hyperrealism tried to paint photography and the "Simbiosismo" in one of its forms, makes photography painting.

"Simbiosismo" among other variables, is a mix of photography and painting made both by the same artist.

Its exhibition face to the public requires necessarily the shows of the work pictorial end finished, as well as of them photographs of which participates this work.

"Simbiosisno" used as a means of expression any trend, past, contemporary, avant-garde or future without distinctions.

"Simbiosisno" aims primarily to tell stories, capture thoughts and ideas, but can also participate in pure expressionism..

The artist "symbiotic" is PAINTER and PHOTOGRAPHER and you are interested in by equal both disciplines. Not want to depart is of any of them, but rather it of create a unique using both, under this new form of understand the art that is the "SIMBIOSISMO".

Portfolio Entries