Surreal & Symbolic Absurd Expression of Narrative Kitsch by Sean Poole

I've long said words are my paint. Now pictures tell my stories. Inspired by artists as diverse as Gillies, Gattorno, Lam, Matta, Miro, Mondrian, Nerdrum, Shepard, Crumb, Pollock, deKooning and diChirico.

I mix media and materials to develop a style I call Surreal and Symbolic Absurd Expressionism of Narrative Kitsch. Canvas and paper are now the stage upon which I tell my tales. The act of painting is the performance. The resulting image is a record of the act, an
impression of an expression of experience, imbued with one meaning for the artist and containing an entirely separate significance for the
audience. I hold allegiance to no particular school or philosophy of

In the brave new online world of digital high definition
where image is appropriated, co-opted, manipulated and agenda driven, I strive in my paintings to eschew the conventional, discard conformity
and abandon rationality in favor of absurdity, nonsense, chaos and comedy. My aesthetic is deeply rooted in the fundamental dogmatic principles of the First Church Of The Last Resort.

Portfolio Entries