paints by Maria Elisa Grion

title: "donde estan los patos?"
oil on canvas
64x45 cm

title: "Here comes again"
oil on canvas
70x100 cm

title: "atardecer"
oil on canvas
50 x60 cm

title: "en el pajonal II"
oil and acrilic on canvas
70x70 cm

oil on canvas
50x50 cm

title: "cold water"
oil on canvas
60x80 cm

title: "en el pajonal III"
oil and acrilic on canvas
70x70 cm

title : "play with us"
oil and acrylic on canvas
50x60 cm

title: "son tres patitos"
oil and acrylic on canvas

title : "Playing in the pond"
oil on canvas
50x60 cm

Portfolio Entries