Land Beyond The Horizon by Beata O'Connell

Land Beyond The Horizon series are being inspired by my inner experiences of life’s mystery and journey. Trips to Alaska and Ireland which I took, clarified the idea and title to these series. Horizons which I observed there, emphasized dramatic contrast between light and shadow, texture and colour; which I perceived as symbolic expression of our experience with pain and hope, death and rebirth.

Every one of us stops sometimes in middle of our life’s busy schedule and look towards “horizon” where heaven and earth meet. When weather allows, light shines on the horizon and creates almost mystical experience for an eye and the soul. Light seems to come from somewhere beyond the horizontal line; creating unity between visible and invisible worlds. Especially our sunrises and sunsets observed from the shores, seem to express some supernatural beauty and love of invisible world. World which comes to meet us from beyond the horizons of our earthly path…

I see the light from beyond
the horizon of my soul
shining on my pain
approaching my wounds
transforming my way
Of Being
I see the light from beyond
the horizon of my life
shining on my fear
approaching my failures
transforming my path
Of Seeing

Portfolio Entries