Virtual Worlds by Gabriëlla Cleuren

My diary can be seen as a study of reality in the virtual track. My images are not straightforward to read, but their meaning is revealed between the lines, like a child trauma drawings reveal the reality, often disguised. A multiple filters to a residue.
My work keeps a trace of life, the almost daily record of important and seemingly trivial events, a virtual reality of thoughts, sometimes mixed with dreams, fears, memories and observations from the ‘environment’. It’s a way to fix the relation of me with the outside world and testimony of a life in the 21st century. Life is a powerful artistic source.
Often I use icons, which I have developed to a very personal alphabet, simple, universal, sometimes cryptic.
Some examples: the curtain is a picture of the opening of the theater world we live in, life is happening behind. The mouth stands for speaking, communicates, contact, or crossed: no talking, solitude, silence. An ear or repeated ears are used to notice the good (birds and wind ) or the bad sounds ( street noise). The half circle on the head symbolizes the mind, in blue. Red shows emotion and with a sharp broken line it means restlessness. The bed or sleep symbolizes the familiar and the security. The road, the travel path is life we have to go, most displayed with footprints. Life is … going. The tree and the flowering points to contact with nature, the animal is contact with life. The net stands for: being caught. These are just some pictures.
My design is free, organic (also used as aware) the color is often psychologically loaded into the possibility to catch all aspects of life in a consolidated form.
My sculptures or objects are in addition to this search.

Portfolio Entries