Auric Forms (Sapphic) by Tiana Traffas

This series of works explores the intersections of sensuality, orgasm, feminism, and the body. How can I make figurative works outside of the parameters of the male gaze, explore female sexuality free from the constraints of patriarchy and Christan indoctrination? My interest in the feminine archetype informs this work. Women in art are depicted as the exploitable maiden, the sexy Venus who exists to be looked upon, the compliant mother who gives up her own identity to raise another, the monster who defies convention and is feared for it. Figurative work often defaults to the maiden/Venus archetype. It is consumable and for male sexual gratification. But often, depictions of women owning their sexual power, their bodies, their experience, those images are censored and devalued. I am much more interested in depicting women as they are: complex, fleshed out, whole. These are the beginning steps of knitting together the female nude in a web of milk, moonblood, and yoni nectar, finding the magic in shedding what doesn't work and uncovering what feels authentic. I hope these inspire you to find comfort in your devouring, orgasmic, animalistic, monster of a body.

See more of this series at my website:

Portfolio Entries