Planets by Mary Hood

series of eight images each
18 x 22"

The prints from this series are an extension of the Ten Thousand Tears print series, in the fact that they are using my fingerprints as a representation of water. But this time I feel that the "water" is more representative of our human presence on the earth, slowly eroding a path for our existence, leaving canyons and valleys in our wake. The spill over into the larger "pool" is more representative of time, and
the pool is our collective unconsciousness.

The process is a combination of inkjet printing from digital photographs from Red Rock National Monument in Nevada and monotypes.The sky blends and rock "details" are overprinted on the inkjet layer, giving the print a bit more depth and texture. The final layer is the relief fingerprint layer, in three colors.
There is a variable edition of three, of which one full set is available.

Portfolio Entries