Paper Trails by Eleanna

Eleanna investigates aspects of quotidian experience that often fall
outside of our common perceptual frame. In her diverse body of work,
negative space becomes positive space, light becomes gesture,
absence sparks abundance, small scale expands. By exploiting the
anatomy of space, Eleanna aims to sharpen the visceral experience of
the everyday.

Eleanna’s most recent body of paintings appear to be discarded, crumpled sheets of paper. However, upon further examination, they simultaneously evoke the impression of an aerial view of snow-covered mountains. By creating paintings made of basic materials such as plaster and paint, Eleanna celebrates mediums used in ancient sculpture and Renaissance fresco painting. Floating off the wall, the work takes on a
casual, wonky posture and emits a fluorescent glow highlighting the space between the painting and wall that supports it. The two then function as a whole. Some works are “framed” by paint directly applied to the wall. The work articulates Eleanna’s interest in something she calls otherspace, a space so integral to our reality and simultaneously less considered.

Portfolio Entries