The Delusion by Sunil Amoli

The Delusion is a set of 4 paintings illustrating the artist's concept about life.....The protagonist is the life of a party, the happy-go-lucky man who loves being with friends and strangers alike. He talks,drinks, dances, cracks the funniest jokes and amuses everyone, makes them feel alive.He can conquer the gravest battles...But life is not a party ! The show must come to an end, and that is when it hits him hard. The jester becomes psychotic when he is alone. He cannot handle solitude....His heart sinks and he feels small, life seems worthless. But that is where his lesson lies. We come alone in this life and we must go alone, tread our paths and learn to walk single in their journeys.The real truth of his existence lies in solitude, and.he must learn to embrace it .

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