A journey to Light - March 2012 by Jenny Reyneke Artist

This series of paintings were painted in 2011 to 2012 and exhibited at the Slow Lounge in the City, Sandton South Africa in March 2012. There were 13 paintings in the series, each inspired by the spirit of Ubuntu (We are here because of others) and painted in aid of the Ubuntu Mission. All the works were sold on the first evening of the exhibition and the entire proceeds went to the cause.

In these works, I hoped to celebrate those people that have been integral in my life; that have had great influence in making me who I am today. It was possibly the most rewarding process I have ever undertaken. I see my landscapes as a way of speaking with colour... saying those things that are too great for mere words. Many times the words become songs I hum while painting. Art is not a singular experience, but in its expression and creation I find both healing and peace and a means to celebrate and be thankful.

Portfolio Entries