Water by Carmen Rojas

Because with the energy you get from a flat surface you excel with strength and become unique in the universe. You distinguish yourself majestically and with immensity....
The Wave, she whom only lets herself conquer momentarily by time who materializes itself leaving its mark on the wood of a vessel.
Wave and vessel, both are needed to notice the existence of the other. The wave, because without the vessel she would be only her own existence. No eyes that admire her, no hands that caress her, no soul that will miss her. Of her purity, the depths of her secrets, and revelations of her wisdom and of the love that awakes in our soul are enhanced because without the vessel, we would not have the mode to reach her. Without the vessel we would not have even the slightest chance in taming her immensity. We would not have had the chance to learn and from her create the paths that will sate our thirst for adventure. We can only appease our necessity when we surrender before the vision of her immense power. We fall beaten because we love to feel her, we need her in our existence, we let her control us. Now let us rest so we can later launch ourselves like ouroboros on the quest to dominate her. Only in this way we will know we are alive, but only she, exposes the truth to us; we are diminutive before the grandiosity of The Wave.

It would seem like the tittle and medium used are hostile however, both inspire an alteration of ourselves. Memories of vital experiences come to our minds, as well as recalls of bad times but; the mane itself means the impeccable forces that we cannot avoid and we cannot fight against.
Typhoon, born after the threat of hard times, it develops strength and speed to clear the atmosphere. After we pass it, we discover what we’re made of. We re-think, re-invent ourselves to stand up and begin again. This is what our nature allow us to do, we come back stronger after a big natural disaster and we do not give up. We come back… To live.

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