Flowers That I Love by Don

There is no getting around the fact that flowers are in a class of beauty all to themselves.

In this portfolio, you will see photos I've done from the personal garden of my late sister, who for years was a Master Gardener for Johnson County Kansas, a part of the Greater Kansas City area.

You will be seeing photos of tulips and other flowers that I've done at the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon Washington.

Pretty much my favorite flower of them all is the sunflower. We have beautiful wild sunflowers about where ever you mag go here, as well as occasionally farmers will plant 100s of acres with them, to be use for their oil.

Lastly, there are flowers that I've seen that I just could not pass up.

It would be an honor for me if you would find enjoyment from these works. I would appreciate any thoughts about them that you might want to share.

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