Beaded Bonsai, Beaded Wire Tree Sculpture by Sal Villano

Beaded Bonsai, Beaded Wire Tree Sculpture
9"wide x 12"high x 7"deep. The tree is made of 18 & 26 solid copper wire. The branches and twigs contain hundreds of clear tiny glass fringe beads. Each glass bead is interwoven into wire giving the structure of the tree a very natural look. The tree is "planted" in a hand painted glossy 6 sided ceramic pot that is decorated, in dark blue, with an ancient Asian village front and back. All is bound together into sand and pebble mixture. The mixture is painted in greens, yellows and whites, using India ink and looks like moss covered earth. When the sculpture is displayed in direct sunlight, or very bright lights, it is ablaze with many colors as it reflects all the colors of the root mound and the copper wire.

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