3D Line Drawings by Heather Crowther

My 3D line drawings are drawn freehand using puff paint that creates a raised relief on the canvas itself. They are based on Sacred Geometry elements that are found throughout our natural world and that all life forms are based and built on. they work with the fundamental 5 platonic solid building blocks that contruct all living forms.

In the works I have also specifically usen certain mediums to create different effects. There are elements drawn with normal paint seen in daylight, other elements are done with UV reactive paint (seen under blacklight/ UV), and a third level are done with photosensitive 'memory' paint, that stores light and shines in complete darkness. Therefore each image has a different effect and appearance, depending on what lighting conditions are applied, thus are multiple images all within the same simpe line form.

It is this idea of how natural elements such as light can change our taken for granted world, and reveal things that are there, but that we just haven't been aware of, that I find incredibly intruiging.

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