Aphrodite’s Pendants are made of natural beach pebbles collected
from various beaches of Cyprus.These pebbles are carefully picked
and examined one by one depending on their shape,colour and lustre
that is,selecting only the ones that are best suited to become beautiful
natural stone Pendants.
It is worth noting that most of these pebbles are not like the ordinary ones.
On the contrary,they are extraordinary because they are formed by a
mixture of minerals which were created millions of years ago,when
there were volcanoe’s erruptions from deep sea,melting the earth’s crust.
This explains and their unusual colours and shapes.

The pebbles are then gathered in our workshop where they are properly
washed and cleaned thoroughly.
After they dry they are skilfully glued on a silverplated leaf shape bail
and placed on the shelve for two days in order for the glue to harden.

Finally they are attached in a quality black rubber cord with lobster clasp
and the beautiful Aphrodite’s Pendants are ready to wear.

Every piece is unique in its craftsmanship, shape and appearance, thus
making it a very special gift of natural beauty.

To put it simple, if you just love Cyprus ,take a piece of it with you…
and wear it.

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