Mixed Media Work by TONY GANGITANO

Tony Gangitano – Artist Statement

Fine Art is my first language.

I was fortunate to be raised by a father and grandfathers who were artists and creative craftsmen, and a mother who excused my inherent eccentric behavior by saying, in a Brooklyn accent, “Its ok…. he’s an Aaarrrhhtist!”

My work is about the integration of aesthetic form and emotional and intellectual content. The evolution of my art has progressed on confluent paths. Traditional figurative merged with abstract style in Stone, Bronze, Resin, and Foam, and often incorporating conceptual mixed media elements.

I employ archetypal images that communicate the essential commonalities of our human condition and experience. These images, combined with the juxtaposition and dialog created between figures, shapes, and materials, provoke visual, visceral, and intellectual interaction with the viewer.

Portfolio Entries