The Fine Art of Beverly Marshall by Beverly Marshall

Faces Emotions and the Human Experience. Every day we pass strangers. We see family and friends. We see faces. We see emotions. We see the Human Experience. Every face tells a story. Every emotion grips our hearts, and sings, or screams to our souls.

This fine art will run the gamut of the human experience. Those faces, and all those emotions, every story told deep in their eyes. We all have those feeling. You know, the ones that can come out of nowhere and bring such joy... or such pain. It's all here, in every drawing, captured by a simple pencil. What power the emotional soul has. Whether it’s a young boy with pride on his face, walking his horse, or the young child reacting to something that just happened, or those very dark trying times that bring you to your knees, it’s all here. Those gripping emotions that run deep in the human soul. Search the faces flowing thru this collection and find details in the very detail of the human experience. Face after face, emotion after emotion...Come run the gamut of “Faces, Emotions, and the Human Experience” the unique art of International award-winning artist Beverly Marshall. This is a collection you won't want to miss....

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