"O" Collages by P. Muzi Branch

"...the principle of collage is the central principle of all art in the twentieth century." -- Donald Barthelme (1931-1989)

I have always been intrigued by the collage art of Romare Bearden, the social commentary paintings of Robert Colescott and the early political drawings of Dr. Murry N. DePillars. The aforementioned artists inspired me to use a combination of techniques to create this series of work.

Parts of my compositions are hard-edged and representational. I work on one section at a time, finalizing a certain contextual area of the work. I challenge the viewer to defuse the personal symbolism of the American flag by using the "painterly looseness" of abstract expressionism. The montage/collage of photographs helps draw the viewer closer while giving insight into the historical significance of the content.

I capture in paint and snatches of photographs the triumph of a nation that has moved from government sanctioned African slavery to electing an African American President. I am asking and answering a hypothetical question: What would African Americans who lived or died pre-civil rights think about the campaign and election of President Barack Obama?
I believe they would proudly wear the “O”

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