Flower Wisdom by Wendy Leyten

"Flower Wisdom" comprises a collection of stunning photographs of various types of flowers, each with their own unique features and meanings. However, the series goes beyond merely capturing the physical beauty of flowers. It is an artistic exploration of the symbolism and deeper significance that flowers carry in various cultures and contexts.

The photo series invites you to engage in deeper contemplation about nature, impermanence, and the cycles of life. Each image appears to be a snapshot of a timeless truth inherent to existence. By playing with light, shadow, and composition, viewers' attention is drawn to the subtleties of the flowers, inviting them to reflect on their own place in the world.

Whether you are a photography enthusiast, interested in symbolism, or simply looking to appreciate visual beauty, "Flower Wisdom" offers an enriching experience that will captivate and inspire you.

Portfolio Entries