Channeling Nadis - Paintings by Laura McClanahan

Channeling Nadis are paintings on loose canvas that explore the energetic flow patterns of life. I create resistances of crackling and dropped circles of acrylic paint to challenge the flow of ink and water. I pour a lot of water so that it picks up and carries the paint with it like sediment in a river. Most of the paint I use is a mineral color: copper, silver, Mayan gold, or turquoise. Each painting has a trail of minerals flowing off the end of it. Works on loose canvas form to the terrain beneath them around my property and create long flowing rivers and valleys recorded in acrylic, watercolor and ink. As the canvas dries and shrinks, I add more paint, allowing it to go through an expansion and contraction several times. The pathways or channels change and flow in new patterns with every adjustment.

This is a message about spiritual growth. When we find ourselves at an imbalance, how do we move around those obstacles? This work expresses our emotional intelligence, looking at the places where we are blocked, where our hearts are broken and clearing them. As our hearts open, we connect our minds and hearts to manifest a new empathic way of healing and a way to evolve out of duality.

Portfolio Entries