Birdy Tg : "In the Garden of God and the Devil" by Birdy Tg

2014 is the year he decides to devote for making his ambitious project about the Dante Alighieri «Divine Comedy», a reality.

It is obviously for him the opportunity to pay a glowing tribute to the Master of Italian literature but also to the wonderful French illustrator and painter Gustave Doré and, further, to the « Genius above all» fashion designer: Yves Saint Laurent.

From a very contemporary and innovative angle, Birdy Tg draws a daring but so real parallel between the « Inferno », the « Purgatory » and the « Paradise » and the Fashion World.

Beginning the Serie as a thriller, this is on an alternately caustic, bittersweet or tender chronicle that Birdy Tg expands with philosophical undertones this intriguing and wide serial of photographs called « In the Garden of God and the Devil »:
Young anonymous Fashionistas in search of a fulfilling societal identity, young Models in quest for recognition, fame and eternity but also well-known Fashion Creators of various destinies are staged under the characters of Dante, Virgil, Beatrice, St Bernard, angels and demons, the Devil or God…

“…Whoever they are, one day deified, the other crucified, fragile chimeras digested by inner demons, shooting stars of artificial paradises,
Whoever we are, forgotten orphans or fallen angels of fame,
We are all gold fishes, turning adrift in the inexorable dark currents of limbo, trapped in the fish bowl of a pitiless mediatic and business society of appearances and collusions, just able to dream about an unexpected walk of fame to Paradise before being definitively drawn down in Inferno…” (Birdy Tg)

This serial of photographs successively combines a lot of photography technics and styles, from the most spontaneous ones like “street and journalism photography”, passing by the more elaborated and artificial “studio production” to end by large “photo-composition” lyrical, oneiric and allegorical frescoes of hundreds and hundreds of photographs and work hours, (Birdy Tg’s special expertise field), by which he composes his visual poems echoed by his music and his words.
This has also been the opportunity to experiment and implement for the occasion a new 3D photographic technic Birdy Tg has patiently developed to make some of his photographs true three-dimensional sculptural images.

Some of the huge frescoes inside the Serie include not less than 850 photographs and require well over 2500 work hours in only one art work ( "Lord of Butterflies", "Monster of Puppets", "If Only I Could Touch the Light", "Lux Ex Tenebris", etc...).
As each art work contains a LOT of small or hidden details, codes and allegories, it is recommended if you want to discover more to look at close details on Birdy Tg's website and follow the link:

Portfolio Entries