The human being merges with nature or rather with the four elements of fire, air, water and earth, and even with a fifth esoteric element: the Aristotelian ether, that includes all the others, the essence of celestial bodies, eternal and unchangeable in comparison with the earth as a plance of change.
The result is the vision of an imaginative world hanging between reality and fantasy, dream and utopia and in which color and sensitivity have the predominant role. An harmony that binds man and nature in a perfect way and which unfortunately nowadays seems to be a utopia.
Piles of tree branches, clouds forming hair, faces that melt with air and sky, human silhouettes that arise from expanses of earth and roots... this is my visionary world.
Some of these artworks had been chosen for international advertising campaign by several big brands and agencies like Adobe, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and Wacom.

Portfolio Entries