Abstract Surrealism by Terry Golletz

Terry Golletz - Artist Statement 2016

In my work, which is currently in acrylic paint on paper or canvas, I am attempting to express the happier more playful side of surrealism. I refer to my work as "Abstract Surrealism." Each painting has its own evolution. My concern is in creating a unified composition of colour and form which allows maximum participation of the viewer in the art work. Since the form does not represent an image that the viewer can immediately recognize and label, they are allowed to look inward to themselves to create with their own imaginations whatever their current mood moves them to create.
I spent a number of years after art college, painting/drawing with water colours and conte, and sometimes pastels.
My work falls somewhat in line with AUTOMATSM, a method of painting (or writing) used by surrealists, that depends on the re-emergence of subconscious images. In applying chance or accidents to mark-making, the painting is to some extent freed of rational control. Hence the painting produced may be attributed in part to the subconscious. As like the work pioneered by Andre Masson, my work involves both unconscious and conscious activity.

Apophenia is the experience of perceiving patterns or connections in random data, the human tendency to seek patterns in random information in general. Pareidolia is a type of apophenia involving the perception of images in random stimuli, like seeing images of animals or faces in clouds.

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