For Sale? (2012) by Aggeliki-Eirini Mitsi

With this photo collection I approach our every day' s life and the transformation of "for sale" , "to rent" and the quest for a place in Life! Is "for sale" a word, its substance or its beautiful package? Performing a Reality Check I depistate that in a world where overconsumption is bombarding us daily, we change our view regarding things and situations. Everybody talks about values for sale and they wonder how could this happen wearing masks of self likeliness. The meanings of important words are transformed. Friendship, Marriage, dreams, feelings enter the bazaar of sales to be sold out. The responsible is never found and Life goes on till some realize that they are captured and start looking for the way out. Is there an exit Gate though? Do we see the exit Gate? Do we look for it or just stay in the frame where we rent or sell a piece of ourselves every day? Let us ask ourselves! The truth is transformed; it equilibrates with new laws of Physics, unnatural. By diving in our souls we might "painfully" discover pure elements that will create the picture of Life right from the Start.

Mitsi Aggeliki-Eirini

Portfolio Entries