Anne Farrall Doyle by Anne Farrall Doyle

Galleries to view-----Abstract, Still Life, Figurative, Venice, Travels, Equine, Marine, mainly oil on canvas.

My loves throughout my life have always been Art & Music & subsequently the two live together in the formation of my work. They are part of each other for me. When I am working there is always musical inspiration, Beethoven to Blues, Mozart to Jarrett.
My distinctive style has a thematic feeling of drama & mystery that appeals to questions of who & where we are. I wish to show an awareness of this mortal coil, our presence in the wondrous formation.
Paintings, I believe work on two levels, firstly controlled compositions with strong tones, secondly, I hope they can carry a journey of thought & beauty, in which the viewer can share my inner wonderment.

Portfolio Entries