Systems by Jay Senetchko

Systems draws on my experience from the worlds of team sports (professional, university and semi-professional soccer) and business (Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta and entrepreneur), as well as my experience as both a teacher and a coach.

The series is just as much about the process of creating the final imagery as it is about the subject matter. Each painting begins as a sketch from my imagination and memory. Cobbling together pictures I find on the Internet to create a collage further develops the initial image. This collage then acts as a basis for a further sketch. Very often what I want to achieve will occur with the drawing at this stage and there will be no further evolution. For others, however, the sketch will become the basis for further studies from a live model that will, in turn, be used to develop a final painting.

The unpredictability of this process leads to paintings that may change very little or a great deal from their inception. This process is intended to mimic and represent in painterly form the unpredictability found in larger social systems like team sports and business organizations.

Portfolio Entries